Ambiamory is yet another poly term, the meaning of which we need to explain. In general, it refers to people who are comfortable with both being polygamous and monogamous. In this article, we shall look at this more closely. We invite you to read on.
What Is Ambiamory? Definition and Meaning
What is the definition of ambiamory? It’s the ability to be equally content with both a polyamorous and a monogamous relationship. It is believed to be a spectrum between these two orientations.
People who are ambiamorous create long-lasting, meaningful relationships, no matter whether mono or poly. What is more, they are equally happy in either of the settings, making the most of their time. Thus, in simple terms, ambiamory does not mean that you strive for both, but rather that you can adjust and be happy in both scenarios.
What Is the History of Ambiamory?
We don’t know exactly when the term was coined and emerged; however, we are able to point out when it was most popular. According to Google Trends, “ambiamory” was most commonly searched for in 2019 and since the middle of 2022, which corresponds to the overall poly boom.
This might have its roots in the way people use the adjective polyamorous when dating. For example, if you find a profile on a poly dating site with “ambiamorous” written in it, the person actually wants to show you that they are open to both options. However, is somebody like this truly ambiamorous? Not always – it might be so that such a person will prefer one of the options in the long run and that it only seems to them that they are fully comfortable with both, so take such profiles with a pinch of salt.
The Challenges of Being Ambiamorous
While being ambiamorous might seem great – you can have either of the worlds – there are some challenges associated with it. What are they in particular?
Firstly, returning to the example from the previous section, since not all people who claim to be ambiamorous truly are ambiamorous, poly and mono people might simply… not trust them. For such potential partners, it always feels like a risk, which later builds mistrust and communication issues and causes conflicts. Hence, being 100% honest with ambiamory might often cause a backlash.
Secondly, ambiamorous people are often perceived as cheaters (which is a hurtful myth). Many people believe that truly ambiamorous partners will seek both worlds and, in the end, will build a seemingly mono relationship while sleeping with other partners.
The Truth About Ambiamory
What is the truth about ambiamory regarding the above challenges and myths? It equals flexibility. It’s not monogamy nor polygamy; it’s a completely separate relationship style that lets the person easily adjust to the dynamics of their partner(s). Hence, despite what the popular opinions lead to say, it’s nothing bad – quite the opposite, it opens up new dating opportunities.
Ready to Explore Your Own Spectrum?
We hope that we have explained the meaning of ambiamory to you thoroughly enough that you understand this concept now. After all, it’s quite important since it proves that there are spectrums between monogamy and polyamory and that these two are not fully contradictory. In the end, it’s important to note that many poly people might actually be ambi; just think about yourself – did the fact that you tried going poly cause you not to want a monogamous relationship ever again, or would you consider it and feel comfortable if it was with the right person?
You might also read: Know Your Poly Terms and Conditions
Published By: Sister Wives
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