What is a nesting partner? This refers to your partner in a polyamorous relationship with whom you live. What’s important is that you don’t have to be married, and you can have more than one nesting partner. It all depends on who you live with and who you are in a relationship with. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!
What Is a Nesting Partner in Polyamory
You have probably heard numerous polyamory-related terms, like compersion or a nesting partner, but didn’t know their meaning. After all, there are quite a few poly-specific phrases and terms used to describe what’s going on in relationships. Don’t worry, though; we’re here to help you – let’s explain what a nesting partner is.
This term is quite general and describes a partner with whom you live. You could use it even in a monogamous relationship; after all, not always do people live together while being together. However, in poly, it becomes slightly more important since you may have several partners but share a household only with particular ones.
The meaning of a nesting partner isn’t restricted to your marital status or the type of relationship – it refers to any partner with whom you have a sexual or romantic relationship and with whom you live. It’s also not restricted by numbers – you can have several nesting partners if you’re poly!
How Nesting Partners Work?
Let’s get a bit deeper into the topic of nesting partners. How does this work? Here are the key information:
• Nesting partners can be both secondary and primary partners – the status does not matter.
• Nesting partners might bring up kids together.
• Nesting partners are in a relationship – the fact that you have, for instance, been intimate with your roommate does not make them your nesting partner.
What Are the Benefits of Having Multiple Nesting Partners in a Poly Relationship?
Having several nesting partners might seem like a challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity – this has quite a few advantages. What are they? Take a look below.
Living in a Poly Family
First, we need to look at the benefits of polyamory families in general since this is exactly what you create when having multiple nesting partners. These include:
• emotional fulfillment,
• shared parenting responsibilities,
• diverse perspectives that broaden the horizons.
Financial Stability
Living with more people is often more affordable than doing so on your own or with just one partner. Thus, opting for a nesting partner(s) often comes with more financial stability and a higher disposable income for you to spend on your dates, hobbies, etc..
Is Having a Polyamorous Nesting Partner for You? Potential Challenges
Nesting partners are great, but this kind of relationship might also have its downsides. Hence, do determine whether a nesting partner is for you, let’s look at the potential drawbacks of this option.
Setting Boundaries
If you are both poly, you might also date other people, and there’s nothing wrong with that… until your shared spaces come into play. You might be okay with your partner’s dates in your house, but you might also be completely against it, and so might your nesting partner. This might create conflicts regarding the boundaries that you want to set.
More Dynamic Household
With more people in your household, there is more potential for conflicts regarding your daily lives. Whether someone does not clean up after themselves or plays their music loudly, it might be difficult to come up with a compromise, especially since they aren’t just your roomies – they’re your partners whom you care about.
Time to Nest?
As you can see, nesting partners have their benefits, but there are also some obstacles that you’ll need to overcome. The key is proper communication – with it, you’ll surely make a great family with those you care most about.
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Published By: Sister Wives
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