Chris's article

What is the TLC show Sister Wives about? It’s a reality series about the Brown family, with Kody Brown being the main character. Kody is a polygamist, living with his wives and 18 children in Utah. The TV series is focused on their lives and struggles in the polygamic setting, with most attention paid to Kody’s ties to his current and past wives. Do you want to learn more? Then keep reading!

What Is TLC Show Sister Wives About?

Sister Wives is a popular show on TLC that first aired in 2010 and has been actively shot ever since. How many Sister Wives episodes are there now? Currently, eighteen. The number of seasons of the show is the perfect proof of how good this series is and how many fans it has gathered, and the general poly boom in 2018 is yet another, probably caused (at least partially) by this exact show. So, what is Sister Wives about?

The show depicts the lives of Kody Brown, his current wives, and eighteen of their children. The family lives in Utah, and the TV series deeply explores their relationship. It does not only focus on the links between Kody and his current (and past) wives but also on the children and how they are affected by the poly lifestyle.

We need to mention here that it’s reality TV, meaning that the situations in the show are unscripted, though naturally, the show is edited. Moreover, over the course of the 14 years that the show aired, there have been a lot of changes to the family. We could show you the most important timeline, but we won’t since we don’t want to spoil the series for you if you’re just about to start it.

Sister Wives – More Than Just Entertainment

Knowing what Sister Wives is about, you can clearly see that it’s more than just entertainment – it’s a valuable example of polygamy in real life. Naturally, each person will be different, and the challenges that the Brown family faces might not be exactly the same as the obstacles that you’ll need to overcome in your poly relationships. Still, it’s good to watch the series just to see what potential problems might occur in your relationship.

This is especially true about the latest seasons, where we could see the reactions of each of Kody’s wives to a major event (we won’t tell you what event – no spoilers here!) and how their relationship with the whole family differs. Hence, don’t treat Sister Wives as your primary polyamory resource, but do treat it as one.

Engage Yourself in Sister Wives

Naturally, as a long-running TV series, Sister Wives is extremely engaging – you will find yourself on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next episode to find out what has happened. Currently, there is a lot going on in the family, both regarding the last season and what is in store for season 19, so no matter whether you are poly or not, we strongly recommend it.

When will the next season be? It will probably be sometime by the end of 2024. This means that you still have a couple of months to catch up and binge-watch the previous seasons.

The Takeaway

Knowing what the TLC show Sister Wives is about, you should absolutely watch it. We guarantee you that it will be both entertaining and educational, so do not hesitate!

And if you’re looking for opportunities to meet new people and extend your poly network, check out our polyamory dating app!

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polyamory makes it a bit more tricky to fulfill the communication and emotional needs of each partner since more people are involved. Yet, with openness and honesty, clear boundaries, active listening, and compersion you can make sure that every partner’s needs are met and that everybody feels comfortable in your relationship. Find out more!

Meeting Communication and Emotional Needs in Polyamory: Openness and Honesty

The first step towards ensuring that your and your partners’ emotional needs are fulfilled is being open and honest with each other. Like in monogamous relationships, this builds trust, so important when more than one partner is involved.

Don’t conceal your feelings; be open about them, but also listen to what your partners say, and don’t take their words for granted. Even if their emotions might seem unreasonable for you, you cannot change how someone else feels, so being honest and finding solutions together is the only way to ensure that you all feel comfortable in your relationship.

Boundaries – The Cornerstone of Any Relationship

Whether you have one partner, two partners, or even ten, you need to set clear boundaries in your relationship. Why does it matter?

Boundaries in polyamory help build trust but also ensure that everybody feels comfortable. If you and all your partners state what works for each of you and what does not, it will be easier to meet every person’s emotional needs in your poly relationship, thus making everybody happier.

Boundaries are also an opportunity to compromise. When setting them, it might occur to you that your partner’s and your needs are slightly contrary to each other. As a result, you can come up with the middle ground right away.

Active Listening and Its Impact on Meeting Communication Needs in Polyamory

Good communication and meeting one’s emotional needs in polyamory requires active listening. But what does it mean in practice?

This term refers to listening attentively, understanding what your partner is saying, responding to them and reflecting on their thoughts and feelings, and finally remembering the information for longer. Some good practices regarding it involve:

• paying full attention to your partner (e.g., by putting your phone away),

• maintaining eye contact,

• noticing body language and facial expressions,

• paraphrasing what your partner said and reflecting on it,

• focusing on understanding what your partner is saying rather than responding to them.

Compersion – A Way to Battle Jealousy and Improve Communication

Jealousy is one of the main blockers in relationships. At the same time, it’s natural that we feel it from time to time. Therefore, you need to put conscious effort into getting rid of this emotion, as doing so is crucial to meeting communicating needs in polyamory. How to do this?

You should embrace compersion in polyamory. In a nutshell, this means deriving joy from your partners’ happiness. It helps you turn situations that would naturally cause negative feelings into positive ones. This might be a bit difficult at the beginning since it requires you to look into yourself, understand your emotions, reason through them, and work on your empathy. But in the end, it’ll pay off in a much healthier relationship, with you being more sensitive to other partners’ emotional needs and meeting them.

The Takeaway

Follow our tips, and you’ll find it easier to meet everyone’s needs in your polyamorous relationship. And if you’re looking to grow your network, be sure to check our poly dating app – a great place to meet more like-minded people.

You might also read: Poly Love and Money

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

How to create trust in a polyamorous relationship? Embrace compersion, make sure that your partners’ emotional needs are met, be honest, set boundaries and support them emotionally. Do you want to find out more? Then keep reading!

How to Create Trust in a Polyamorous Relationship? 5 Tips

Rebuilding broken trust in polyamory is always hard. Thus, you should prevent this from happening, and create trust from the very start of your relationship. How to do this? Here are our 5 tips.


To build trust in a relationship you need to show your trust first. That’s why you need compersion – the feeling of happines when something positive happens to your partners.

It’s normal for people to feel jealous, but if you let these emotions consume you, it will feel as if you do not trust your partners. As a result, they won’t trust you either. Therefore, you need to start with compersion in polyamory relationships.

Meeting Your Partners’ Emotional Needs

Compersion is helpful also in other steps on our list, one of which is meeting your partners’ emotional needs. If you respect the feelings of your significant others, and care to fulfill them, this will automatically build trust in your polyamorous relationship.

Why is it important? Focusing on emotional needs in polyamory shows your partners that you are dedicated to them, that you put your relationship as one of your main priorities. Seeing signs that you want the best for them, they will understand that you have good intentions, hence building trust more quickly.

Being Honest

If you conceal your feelings or any information from your partner, you won’t build trust – sooner or later, they will uncover your secrets, which might make them feel disappointed with the fact that you don’t trust them enough or even cause them to lose trust to you. Thus, one of the most important tips regarding polyamory and trust that we have to you is: be honest.

Even if you are ashamed of something, you made a stupid mistake, or don’t want to put a lot of emotional baggage on your partners, don’t lie and be open. Your partners are there to help you, so you shouldn’t be afraid of being honest with them.

Set Boundaries

How to create trust in a polyamorous relationship? You need to set clear boundaries and respect them. Like in the case of emotional needs, this will show your partners that your intentions are good – if you put their boundaries first, despite some of them being unnatural for you, you’ll be able to show how much you care about your partners, hence evoke trust.

After all, one significant part of trust is feeling comfortable with the other person, no matter what happens or what you tell them – setting and keeping to the boundaries helps with that.

Emotional Support

Another key element of trust is knowing that you can count on the other person. Therefore, you ought to show yout partners that it’s so with you.

Did something unpleasant happen to one of your partners? Comfort them. Are they going to have a really stressful day? Make them a breakfast or give them a small gift. Even small gestures will do, it’s the timing that really matters – you will build trust in polyamory by simply being there for your partners when they truly need you.

The Takeaway

Building trust is easier than rebuilding broken trust, especially in polyamory. Therefore, follow our tips and avoid making mistakes that could cause your partners to lose trust. It’s the cornerstone of any relationship, so don’t overlook it!

Do you feel that you need some support in your freshly new relationship? Here are 5 polygamy quotes to inspire you!

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

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