Group Chats from robyn's blog

We used to do weekly group chats, Is anyone interested in doing these please let me know what days and times work so we can plan accordingly

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Jojo VIP
Mar 6 '2017, 12:25 PM
I like to join in them missed the last few weeks when you didn't have them :( I like them on Wensdays but whatever is best for everyone :) hope they start again soon and more people join the chat
robyn VIP
Mar 16 '2017, 7:43 PM
Sounds great
robyn VIP
Mar 17 '2017, 1:36 PM
Thanks for letting me know, Any particular day or time better for you?
Mar 29 '2017, 11:51 PM
Definitely interested. Evenings after 9 are pretty easy, but I can probably adjust if needed.
robyn VIP
Mar 30 '2017, 12:32 AM
Thank you everyone for the imput I'm trying to work out the best schedule I'm thinking of starting this up in the next few weeks.
robyn VIP
Apr 29 '2017, 12:10 PM
I am thinking about an 8 pm slot so that pacific time can also join in Sundays aren't good days there are a few religions that only spend time with family on Sunday so we would miss all of them.
Jul 27 '2019, 12:11 PM
Were intrested. Did you set a day and tim yet?
Feb 27 '2022, 7:42 PM
I would love to
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By robyn
Added Mar 6 '2017, 10:23 AM


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