Sister Wife from wmblair2000's blog

Seeking a lifetime with sisterwives in a Christian household just seems impossible

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Sep 13 '2022, 8:38 AM
Time to focus the search, then. I will suggest that the answer is to first seek His kingdom, and His INSTRUCTION (the meaning there is what He REAALLY Wrote, not what men said He should have!) and then "all these things will be added to you." ['Luck' has nothing to do with it.] Most 'christian' families, sadly, pick and choose from it (polygyny is just one big example, there are many more) and ignore the parts they don't like. So pick from those who know what's real, and what's important.Time to focus the search, then. I will suggest that the answer is to first seek His kingdom, and His INSTRUCTION (the meaning there is what He REAALLY Wrote, not what men said He should have!) and the...See more
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By wmblair2000
Added Sep 7 '2022, 3:19 PM


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