this year and finding strength from Milana's blog

hi everyone, and i'm pleased to be back.  

i'm not breaking any new ground when saying that this has been a very hard year.  i won't even get into politics, i promise :). it's been hard because it's been isolating, and things like depression can take over. i was active here in the spring, when at least as we emerged from the hard times of April, i felt some sense of hope, but then we had waves of challenges here in FL and other southern states, and it honestly made me withdraw.

that was a hard thing to do, and not the right thing either.  i could protect myself, but in doing so, i harmed myself by not allowing the exploration of the loving relationship with a Man and my sisters that i so deeply crave, and need, and that God has told me is the way to live.  it was humbling to admit that alone i do not have the strength, but in partnership with a Man and my sisters, i can find strength.

And so, here i am again!  i remain all the things i've come to know myself to be: smart and caring, humble and submissive, a believer in God and His way, and ready to be in service to my Husband.

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Chris VIP
Oct 17 '2020, 11:58 AM
Its been a hard year for everyone that I know including my self.
Oct 18 '2020, 12:08 AM
It has been a definingly tough year. I hope and pray that it gets better for you.
Milana VIP
Oct 18 '2020, 2:13 PM
thank you :)
HeartsforLove VIP
Feb 25 '2021, 6:26 AM
Your profile really speaks to U/us, love. We'd like to ask you to pray, look at ours, and if you feel good about making touch, we would definitely like to talk with you about bringing you into a secure, loving, happy married life. I'm the type of man that you have described, my wife is also a loving submissive (like you - oh, and she loves animals, haha.) Our life here is about trusting and loving God, helping people and doing good things in His name ... and having a really good time, haha ...(!)Your profile really speaks to U/us, love. We'd like to ask you to pray, look at ours, and if you feel good about making touch, we would definitely like to talk with you about bringing you into a secur...See more
Feb 13 '2022, 8:58 PM
Interesting comments...
Feb 13 '2022, 9:00 PM
I'd encourage you to check out Deuteronomy 28:60-61 sometime, talking about blessings and cursings. Sure sounds to me like the "plagues NOT in the Book" could be things like engineered bioweapons. Bottom line: we can Fear Not. Blessings...
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By Milana
Added Oct 17 '2020, 11:40 AM


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