Where Can a Couple Seeking a Sister Wife Go? from Chris's blog

Where Can a Couple Seeking a Sister Wife Go?


Sister wives aren’t really a common subject for discussion for people outside of the polygamous scene, but thanks to various TV reality-shows and an expanding internet database, they have started to become more accepted as a phenomenon. Although the idea of having more than one wife might tempt some, when seeking a sister wife, one should understand that even though it might be a less than traditional arrangement, certain rules still apply. That is why one is recommended to do some serious research about what it means to have more than one wife and how to handle such a relationship.


What Are Sister Wives?


For most people involved in traditional marriages, the idea of multiple spouses might seem ridiculous, weird or even shameful to even discus. They might think that being in a monogamous relationship is the only way things should be done and any kind of alternative to this lifestyle is wrong. But what is for some normal might not mean the same thing for somebody else. Thinking back to the old days, arranged marriages were considered normal back then and parents deciding their children faiths since birth was widely accepted. In some parts of the world this is still the norm. But normality is relative to the individual and his background, and that is why judging somebody for doing things differently isn’t always the best course of action.


For instance, sister wives might seem like a difficult concept for many people to wrap their head around, but for others it makes perfect sense. In the world of polygamy this is a normal thing. It refers to at least two women sharing the same husband and acting as if they are sisters. There is nothing sordid or unnatural about it. Although it might offend some people and go against some civil laws that doesn’t mean that the act itself is bad by nature.


Sharing the same husband, and even the same household, has been a common happening in many cultures around the world. The man would marry multiple wives and even have children with more than one of them. The views would take care of the household together and even raise their children together. This was their “normal”. They would behave as any other family and the husband would take care to give each wife the same amount of attention.


Common Misconceptions About Sister Wives


One of the biggest misconceptions about a polygamous relationship is that it is nothing more than accepted cheating. Some might argue that as soon as there are more than two partners in a relationship, that relationship seizes to exist because there is nothing intimate anymore. This is not the case with polyamorous relations and especially with marriages with multiple spouses. All the people involved in such a relationship are consenting adults that understand that they need to communicate and share their love and affection for one another. Although the relationship usually involves sexual relations with multiple partners, that doesn’t mean that the people involved are cheating on one another.


Another myth about marriages involving more than two partners is that they usually break the family apart and end in divorce. Although some of these marriages does end in divorce, that isn’t a rule. Traditional marriages end in divorce as well, and usually even more frequently than polygamous ones. Whatever reasons people might have to enter or exit a relationship don’t necessarily have something to do with the nature of the relationship. Firstly, nobody is forcing anyone else to enter that relationship in the first place. Secondly, divorcing someone doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot continue to have a relation with that person.


When people decide to get involved in polyamorous relations they usually do so after careful consideration and extensive talks with their partners. The whole idea of bringing other people into a relationship is to improve one another through shared experiences and to have somebody to help you and be beside you when need be. Aside from the sexual part of the relation, polyamorous relations are about communication, being open minded and trying to improve your understanding of others.


What to Know When Seeking A Sister Wife?


Anybody who is seeking a sister wife should understand couple of things before they rush to the altar. Firstly, anybody looking to bring another woman into a relationship should know that some major adjustments have to be made. A second wife isn’t just a live-in friend for your first wife, or a permission slip to have sex with somebody else. It means that you truly understand one another, are accepting of all your qualities and flaws and agree on sharing whatever life might throw at you. Bringing another woman into a marriage is a subject that should be discussed at length with your partner and everybody should understand what is about to happen.        


Another thing that is very important to understand when talking about multiple wives is that finding one isn’t as simple as placing an ad in a paper. Polygamy already has a sort of a bad reputation with the more traditionalistic crowd. You might need to do a bit of searching before you find somebody that wants the same things as you do. But, as in any marriage, finding your second significant other takes time and patience.


Where to Go When Seeking A Sister Wife?


Although the alternative lifestyle scene has been getting more and more mainstream acceptance, it isn’t really there yet. People still need some help if they want to meet like-minded men and women. Luckily for them, there are people working on providing them with the necessary tools to do so. People like the ones over at sisterwives.com, which are building a dedicated platform in order to build and bring together a community of people looking for something different. Just as Tinder or other dating apps, people that practice an alternative lifestyle have their options when it comes to meeting others just like them.


For the ones that prefer a more traditional approach to finding another “ball and chain” there are always the well-known meeting grounds. Special clubs or other meeting spots that are dedicated to enabling people to come together, without having to be in the public eye, and indulge in their passions.

Published By: Christopher Alesich & Robyn Alesich 

Matchmakers, Inc: Sisterwives.com 

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