User blogs

To each their own and all...

That being said, one of the things that is jumping out to me a fair amount is just how many profiles demonstrate that several people are here looking for a good time, for new partners for sexual liaison or seeing the plural marriage pop culture boom and thinking it would be some kind of yolo adventure and that it might be cool for a while. That is what I see in the single women's profiles. In some of the couples profiles however it is far more of the predatory to desperate spectrum and I do not even slightly wonder at the fact that many are mystified by the lack of any response. In other couples profiles you will see the it is all about the ego stroke for the man equation being played out.

At the end of the day, personally I don't particularly care about being perceived as judgemental when so many are approaching plural marriage for all the wrong reasons. All that it will end up with is games being played, hearts being broken and families pulled apart. 

Plural marriage is first and foremost a marriage. It is about love, permanence, giving each other support and the bonds of family. Plural marriage is not about jumping on the latest fad, it is not about your sexual fantasies or pumping up your ego. 

Yeah yeah... standing on my soap box and preaching to an empty room. I know. Lame and pointless. It is frustrating though to browse through the site and see a handful of those who clearly take the idea of polygyny seriously and who are seeking their family or their new wife that are clearly having to wade through a sea of those who might be more suited to plenty of fish or some other hookup app. 

This is supposed to be about love and family not being part of a fad.

Familyfocused Feb 21 '2019, 9:29 AM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 4 · Tags: family, familynotfad, notabouthookups
I hope you and your loved and beloved ones have a beautiful and memorable day. 
theoneo Feb 14 '2019, 3:37 AM · Tags: valentines
As people who hope to see wholesome polygamous marriages being normalized we have a vested nterest in sites like this one and others that are less focused on the matchmaking aspect. What we have seen rather a lot of is people who are considering polygyny for what we would consider the wrong reasons. A few but certainly not all of the reasons that I would consider wrong are the couple's who simply wish to find their live in sex toy which will apparently spice up their intimate activities and cure all relationship woes, the horny husband with the grudging wife couples where she is clearly just going along to get along so to speak (lots of these woman are in the position they are in because their religious faith is being used as a lever to force them into agreeing to something they do not want) and the scammer; we have all seen the douchebag guys who will pretend to be anything that will get them at least short term sexual access to any woman, the pure scammer looking for money, the catfish who will pretend to be anything just to keep themselves entertained regardless of the emotional toll they might extract and the busybody who has decided that they know better than you what is right and moral for your family even though you are strangers. All of these will make people cautious about interactions that ideally should be perfectly safe, straightforward and wholesome. Because of the bad actors we all end up being cautious to one degree or another... I personally will council women to be quite cautious in dealings here just like on any dating site nut by the same token I tend to be cautious myself and recommend the same to other plural families. While our vulnerabilities are not the same as single women, nobody wants to get scammed, catfished or worst of all enter into a relationship that is doomed to fail because the person they fell for was approaching this lifestyle as a lark that sounds like fun for a while. Is there a solution? I wish I knew one. In a perfect world I would think that in-person mixers would be great. I like the idea of a large picnic or something of that nature. Lots of fun ideas occur to me but coordinating what amounts to a plural family convention and matchmaking festival. You would probably find me behind the bar.
Familyfocused Jan 21 '2019, 7:47 PM · Comments: 4
my husband and i have been looking for a sister wife for a long time now our problem is that we live in central ohio and cant seem to find anyone any suggestions
bethandjames Nov 27 '2018, 1:23 AM

There are actually so many challenges when you consider being in a polygamous relationship, that it would be great to just get a break every once in a while. For example, one of the most unpleasant situations that you could deal with when meeting people any other way rather than online would be being rejected when you tell them that you are looking for Sister Wives or that you are interested in having more than one loving partner. Rejection is the worst and can do a number on your self-esteem.

That is exactly why you should be thinking about choosing a far superior alternative to regular dating. The good news is that now you can decide to search for another woman or another man or maybe even a couple that you can start a new relationship with. It would be even better if you simply relied on a social network just like ours where you can find proper profiles of people that have similar interests. Especially when talking about your amorous beliefs, it is better to stay away from regular dating sites. This is how you can avoid disappointment after disappointment.

The individuals that do not have the same expectations and desires when it comes to their love life are not a good match, especially if they only believe in what is considered to be the norm – that a couple should be a connection between two persons and that is it. Most probably, you telling them that you are already in a relationship and that you want to add someone new in the mix is going to make them judge you and will hear all sorts of remarks. If you have tried this before on regular dating sites, you have probably already dealt with such a situation.

The same happens when you meet people the regular way, in a restaurant, on your way to work and so on. The hard part here is telling them that you prefer polygamous relationships. Fortunately, when you visit our website, you know exactly what kind of persons you will comes across here. Forget about them judging you for your preferences and be yourself. You will feel so relaxed knowing that there does not need to be an elephant in the room. Here everyone already know a bit you and what you want because these bits of information are available on your profile. 

If you are interested in being one of the Sister Wives that are already involved in a relationship or would like to find one, you can sign up on our website and create a profile. After sharing a bit about yourself, you can perform a simple search and see which of the existing members could be a perfect match. It might take a short while before you find exactly what you are looking for, depending on your preferences. Nevertheless, the entire process of chatting with all kinds of new people will be more than exciting and fun.

When it comes to Polygamy, you need to set some basic rules based on what you want and share them with the people that you meet. The best part about looking for these new matches online is that the entire process is simplified. Of course, the most important advantage in this case is that every single person that you are going to find on our website is looking for a polygamous relationship, one way or another. Some will be interested in starting a relationship with another woman or another man, while others will want to do that with a couple. 

Another major advantage that you will enjoy when you look for dates online, on our website would be the fact that you can flirt regardless of your location. You can be in the same country as the person that you are contacting or you can be half a world away. It does not really matter. Our site will allow you to talk to them for as long as you want. If you are wondering how you can get started, you should know that it is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3. 1 – Visit our website and create your account, 2 – Edit your profile and add a photo, 3 – Perform a search and contact the members that you like.

You might also want to keep in mind the fact that you can keep up with your notifications such as any messages that you might have received from people who you have already talked to or that have just contacted you for the first time. You would just need to log into your account on our social network on a daily basis. Regardless of your current location – you might be at home, at work, on the train or even in a park. As long as you have an internet connection, you can flirt away.

It is interesting to know that one of your soulmates might be a few clicks away. The question that you have to ask yourself is: why wait? Instead of wasting any more time that you could otherwise spend having amazing conversations with people that understand you, it would be a much better idea to just create your account. You will not believe just how many dating opportunities you will have once you have the option of contacting our members. 

At the same time, you might not even finish editing your profile and might get contacted by someone that shares your Polygamy values. Truth being told, the chances of finding love here are much greater than anywhere else. Why? Because in today’s society it is much easier to find someone who understands your principles if both of you meet in a place that was specifically created for individuals just as open minded as you are. Even if you have tried other social networks, you should give ours a try and see for yourself what makes us so different. If you have any additional questions regarding our social network, do not hesitate to leave us a message!


This is certainly something that you must have thought about over and over again and every single time you probably came up with a different answer. Let’s be truthful: love, relationships, and people – a mix of all three is difficult as it is, not to mention trying something different that is not always seen as the norm by the society in which we live in. Nevertheless, we are able to offer you the opportunity to make things easier for yourself when you are Polygamy Dating.

If you have just admitted to yourself that you prefer being in a relationship with more than one person, then everything might seem incredibly overwhelming. But, keep in mind that it does not have to be this way. Take the time to look over our website. Our social network was specifically designed to help you find companionship, love, fun and everything that you are looking for when it comes to your love life. The best part about it is that all the individuals you will find here are polygamists. This means that there is no need for any big reveal regarding your personal preferences.

Every single one of our members have a few essential details about themselves, especially the reason why they are here and what they are looking for. Some might be looking for men, while others are interested in being a sister wife. If you are still uncertain whether to create your own account or not, here’s something interesting: we make your life easier when it comes to finding a match. How? Our social network will allow you to look for people that share the same or similar interests to yours. Starting up a conversation with a few of them is going to be a matter of a few short clicks.

The same comes with finding love. When you think about the fact that you might be just a click away from coming across that special someone that can make you and your current partner feel complete, you must be feeling butterflies! Why wait any longer when you could seize up all of these opportunities now? Not tomorrow, not next week, not when you are rejected by someone that does not understand the concept of Polygamy Dating. There is no real reason why you should not get out there and start dating as soon as possible.

We make this entire process simple because we want you to find the perfect match in any situation! You have a few simple options on our website: create your own profile and then browse through the profiles of our other members as they appear on your screen or perform a search using the search bar and type in the keywords that you are interested in. You will come across more than a few profiles that match your description. Dating has never been easier! You can find new matches every single day and talk to as many members as you would like.

If you want to meet in real life, so be it. Our purpose is to simply put our social network, this dating platform at your disposal so that you can meet the people you are looking for without dealing with any unwanted complications. When seeking a sister wife, you must avoid regular dating sites, especially if you have already been there before and have chatted with a few people that might have seemed open minded, but were not. It does not really matter where you find that special someone if they are not open to being part of a more interesting combination.

It is difficult to explain to others that do not already live a polygamous lifestyle what it means, what it implies, what sort of rules need to be set from the beginning and so on. But, our website saves you from all this trouble. If you are wondering how difficult it might be to actually find someone new, the answer is pretty straightforward: it’s not. This can happen in seconds. Maybe you just finish creating your profile and start up a conversation with someone new who turns out to be exactly the person you were looking for.

It can be that simple. Or, you might need to chat with a few different people before you get the feeling that you have met the right one. Either way, it is simpler here because there is no need to give out any additional explanations about who you are, what you want in matters of relationships and even why you might be Seeking Sister Wife. This is certainly not something that you can blurt out the second you meet someone who you were set up with or that you have stumbled upon in a pub.

The problem with society is that the people you come across will always judge you, no matter what you do. If you are different and do not hide this fact, they will judge you even harsher. That is the way things work. The good news is that the members that are on our platform will not do that when it comes to your relationship preferences. At the same time, you should expect our website to offer you the privacy that you might be looking for. You can chat with all kinds of individuals here and not worry about your personal life being exposed.

After all, you do not have to meet anyone in real life if you do not want to do so. Take a few minutes of your time to create your account and see how accessible love can be. But, how can you get started. First, you might want to look around and check out a few profiles. That is possible and not complicated at all. After that, you can create your account and edit a profile within minutes. You just have to decide what bits of information you want to share about yourself with the members of our social network. The last step is the most exciting one. Start mingling! Chat with new people today!


It does not really matter if you are new to this world or if you have been in polygamist relationships until now. The truth is that every single one of the people that are trying something different than a monogamous relationship feels the need to talk about rules. The good news is that you can decide on them with the individuals that you meet on our website.

Some might prefer having a few specific dating rules while others will not ask for anything other than just respect and honesty. It is a known fact that even monogamy can be challenging, not to mention being in a relationship with more than one people and having to set different boundaries with each of them. At the end of the day, it is your life and you are the only one responsible for your happiness.

What we can guarantee is that you will find countless possible matches that you can start talking to right away. What happens after that and how you decide to carry on a possible fling or even a serious relationship is all up to you and the person that you are chatting with. Our website will allow you to meet people that have the same interests as you do and even attend events that make dating even easier.

If you are on your phone all the time and prefer this entire Polygamy Dating process to be even further simplified, you could try our dating app. You can be certain that you will not miss out on any new notifications regarding possible matches or people that have contacted you. Take control of your love life and opt for our reliable network where every single profile is verified so that you do not have to worry about talking to individuals that hide behind fake profiles!


Deciding to look for Sister Wives means simply that you would like to ensure that you have all of your needs met from a variety of points of view, starting with your emotional ones. For a really long time, society has only accepted monogamy as the only way of being in a relationship and has seen any other solution as non-viable, as something that must be condemned.

Nevertheless, nowadays, you can be true to yourself and even look for a new woman that can be your new someone and that can meet your needs. The rules of a polyamorous relationship are not as strict as the ones associated with a monogamous one. If you have gotten to the point where you feel that finding a new partner to complete you is the next step, the best idea you could have would be to join our dating site.

Here is where you will come across people that you share interests with and a chance of actually meeting someone that will make your world turn upside down. There is no need for you to stay in a relationship where you do not feel complete. If you and your current partner are true with each other, meeting other people while staying together should not be a problem.

The good news is that our website makes it easier for you to attend events or even meet people using just your phone with the help of our dating app. A sister wife would help you find out more about who you are, about your needs, about what makes you happy, about what makes this life worth living…why not sign up and perform a simple search? You will find so many possible matches that you will not know where to start or who you should consider talking to first!


Being true to who you really are might mean that you are not meant to be in a monogamous relationship, which can be quite frightening at first. However, when you realize that you can always try Polygamy Dating, the situation becomes a bit easier to handle. The most important question that you need to ask yourself in this case is regarding meeting new people: where can you even start looking for another partner?

In this specific aspect, you could say that dating multiple people can be quite complicated because you never know how and when you can bring up this specific status of your relationship. Some might be ok with you meeting others and even spending time with them, while some individuals prefer to have you for themselves. The problem is that the situation can become challenging pretty fast if you are not honest from the beginning.

But how can you get things to be simple from the get go? Well, you sign up on a website where you will find only people who are into polygamy. You could say that this is one of the best ways of getting this major issue out of the picture. When talking to people that are alright with multiple partner dating, you can skip this step and go straight to the fun part.

You can rely on our website to help you find the best matches and groups where you can actually meet people who share your interests. To ensure that you are always up to date with the latest possible matches or even notifications from individuals that have contacted you, consider downloading our dating app. See for yourself how simple it can be to begin dating more people at once with a few simple clicks! Sign up and complete your profile first!


Being content with your life means that you have to understand who you are, what you want and how you can achieve it. From a relationship’s point of view, some people feel that a monogamous partnership is not fulfilling enough, which is why they decide to look for a second or third partner. Is this something that you want? Be honest when you answer this question and then think about what you next step should be. If you intend on being a Sister Wife, there are a few factors that you need to keep in mind.

There is no way you could be happy in a relationship where you do not communicate clearly. You will need to make sure that you talk about your expectations from the start, which can be quite hard when you are new to this and do not really know what sort of approach to opt for. Things would be so much simpler if you could just meet people in a place where everyone was polyamorous. The good news is that our dating site is just that – the perfect spot to start conversations with people that share your interests and that have no trouble in being your other partner.

Why should you consider looking for a second person to be with? Many consider polygamy as a way of sleeping with more than one person while being in a relationship with another. However, this is definitely not the case. When you have more than one partner, you share more than your bed with the other person. You share feelings, responsibilities and much more. If this is something you see yourself doing, then being in a polyamorous relationship is what you should be seeking. 

The good news is that you can have all that with a few clicks. Even if this sounds a bit too good to be true, you should know that it is all a matter of finding the website where you can sign up and have your own profile. Once you do that, you are able to meet so many people that you will not really know who to choose to start dating. You can have as many conversations as you want before things become serious. If you do not want anything serious at the moment, that is alright as well. 

You should just ensure that you are honest when talking to these possible matches. Being a Sister Wife is something more complex than just being with someone sexually. You will be a partner with full rights. But, if you would like to set some specific boundaries, you can do that as well. You just need to take the time to fully comprehend what you want from your next or additional partnership so that you can express yourself when the time comes. The online world makes meeting new people so easy, especially when you are part of a large community.

When talking about Polygamy Personals, the most important fact that you should remember is that benefiting from a match making service will make your life so much easier! You can always just become a free member and continue maintaining your status for as long as you want. Nonetheless, if you would like to have access to a number of amazing features, you should consider becoming a VIP member. You do not have to make any decisions right now. Start with a free profile and see where it takes you. Maybe you will find a new partner right away or maybe you will want to try the premium features so that you have more chances of meeting more complex matches.

At the end of the day, deciding to check out Polygamy Personals means that you are ready to at least learn what it would be like to be in such a relationship. If you have already tried this and know that this is who you are, but have not been able to find the right partners, take the time to find them. It will be much easier to rely on our dating website and even on our dating app that you can download on your phone right away.

If you do not really know what your next step should be, the answer is pretty simple. Create a profile, one where you talk about yourself, about what you want from your relationships, about your hobbies and see what happens. Most certainly, you will be contacted by all sorts of individuals that find you attractive and would like to talk to you so that they can see where it goes. If you do not come across the right partner today, there is no need to feel disappointed. There are so many people joining every day that you are bound to find the perfect match in no time!

You just have to keep on coming back and try your luck. It can be a bit hard to put yourself out there and continue talking to many different people at the same time. But, it does not have to be this way. You decide how many individuals you reply to or who you would like to meet. If you want to have a relationship and meet a few other people just for fun, you can do that as well. When it comes to the rules that one must abide in a polyamorous relationship, there are no strict ones.

The best way of ensuring that your expectations and the ones of your partner are met is to communicate. Talk about what you want and what sort of boundaries you need so that you can feel comfortable in a new partnership when you meet new people on our dating website. You will not believe how exhilarating it feels to know that you can be yourself and not feel judged by others that do not understand polygamy. Here is where everyone loves and wants to benefit from all the advantages of being in such a relationship. Why don’t you consider creating your profile today?

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