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Hello everyone, I am Esther and 42. I have had a pretty awful past and I am just wanting to be prt of a family where I have the support of sister wives and my husband to be. It’s very important to know that I am organised, I like being around people and I’m always willing to help whether go to work and financially help if do other jobs that make the home life better.
Esther Sep 20 '2022, 4:58 PM
Seeking a lifetime with sisterwives in a Christian household just seems impossible
wmblair2000 Sep 7 '2022, 3:19 PM · Comments: 1
I don't care which side of the political isle you are on (at least for the purposes of this blog post), we all know the economy is boned. If you don't know that it is going to get substantially worse and that we will be living through events like our great grandparents saw if not worse, then you need to pull your head out and look around. Seriously,  you should  e doing some prepping.

I see the fact that the economy, political divides, food insecurity and all the more chance of truly significant change being forced upon the world by globalist/elites/corporatists or weird mish mashes of communist, fascists and creepy as hell transhumanists all makes people scared for the future. The uncertainty in the world seems like a decent predictor for polygamy becoming a far more palettable choice for single women and couples moving forward. Safety in numbers, economic security and a larger base of support may start to seem pretty attractive. 

I don't know about the rest of y'all but it sure looks to me (in early August of 2022) that the number of women coming to the site seeking or investigating plural marriage seems to going up significantly. 

Yeah the number of established families looking for women may well be going up as well but I am not in as much of a position to notice. Maybe the site admin will see the post and comment about if I am right about the surge in single woman and if the same applies to families. 

Won't pretend that even though I don't want the economy and the world to go to hell, that I am not happy to see more woman considering plural marriage in general terms. It is after all likely the oldest form of marriage and was the most prominent form until semi recently as the history of humans goes (genetic record tells us that there have been far more moms than dads). 

Familyfocused Aug 10 '2022, 1:06 PM · Comments: 4
So I just joined.  I've read the blogs and looked at some profiles.  I have no idea what ghosting is but I have said a few hi s and hellos to some.  I am ready for a full polygamous relationship.  I'm too old to have children but I want the companionship of a family.  I have no jealousy I just want calm peaceful relationships with sister wives and a man who treats all fairly... It sounds ideal and I think I deserve it ?
Ameliamow Aug 6 '2022, 4:31 AM

Lol! Pale skinned blond showing tonnes of cleavage in a professional photo is apparently Native American from Nigeria and here looking for plural marriage. Yeeeeah

I am putting the odds at 50/50 as to whether the account will exist by the time I get out of my next appointment and can look again.

I am making fun of the lame nature of some of these efforts at scamming but there are so many people that get hooked by these people and get screwed over in one form or another.

So stop being so thirty and eager to get a hose job.  Be cautious and not so gullible. 

Familyfocused Aug 1 '2022, 1:38 PM · Comments: 3

One thing I’ve noticed on “dating” or “meet people” networks over some period of time is that it’s SO easy to “write people off”:

too much this, not enough that.

This site certainly has one major advantage: For those of us who understand the Biblical basis of marriage, and that without question (except by those who mostly won’t be here anyway!) Scripture permits a man to have more than one wife – one of those major hurdles is removed.

Which doesn’t mean there aren’t others. Such as, is this person even REAL? Not just bots or fakes, of course, but scams. And while that’s part of the mix anywhere (perhaps even more so, given an arguably wider audience of dupes) – it’s a major issue when the pool of candidates is smaller, and the real ones are thus even more discerning.

Which is, obviously, both a good thing, and the opposite. But it does mean we have to be more selective, not less.

Which takes me back to where I began.

How much MORE important, then, to not write off the real ones? (After all, we all have our flaws, and are capable of working on them anyway).

On a more personal level, that observation leads me in a different direction. And I hope the connection will be clear.

There are, without question, many here who aren’t looking for marital partners based on an understanding of what I would consider THE most important, even vital, considerations, but something arguably opposite. (Personally, I don’t see the appeal; prostitutes, gay bars, and palaces for ‘pans’ are all over, especially in the cesspool cities some of us have escaped from, so why bother sorting through bots?)

I/we came to an understanding of Scriptural marriage in parallel with realizing that “we have inherited lies from our fathers.” Most of what I’d been told in sun-god day skool was bunk, from Him having “done away with his own Law” (perhaps the biggest lie in human history, right up there with “you can be like god,” and “you will not die”) to having changed His sabbath and feast days that He said over and over again He would not do.

Eventually I realized His mama NEVER called him ‘jesus’ (that word didn’t even exist in the English language until after 1600 AD) and then what Paul (Shaul) was warning about only a few decades after He had walked among us: that they were then, and are still, pushing “another jesus whom we have not preached” (check that out for yourself in II Corinthians chapter 11 if you find that shocking).

If ‘jesus’ “did away with” his own law (actually, “torah” is the real word; it means instruction) and “nailed it to the cross” - then that one is a “liar and the truth is not in him.”

Which makes the point I was leading up to.

I was – like many of us – angry with what I still call the ‘whore church’ (the Bible does, too!) for just how Big that Lie turned out to be. And the lies about marriage (and the curses we now see in societies that swallow them) are just one big part of that.

It’s why I now spend so much time teaching His Word, “as Written,” and advise all with “eyes to see,” and “ears to hear” to “come out of her.” (Revelation 18:4)

But it took me/us quite a while to get from there, and the lies we had inherited, and so much of the baggage of ‘xtianity’ to a place where we understand what He means by “return to Me.”

It’s not easy. And a whole world which literally HATES Him, and all that He Wrote, is making it harder by the day. He says “choose life!” (Deuteronomy chapter 30) - the world demands a choice of death. (Think I’m kidding? Tune into any of my news shows. Today, they want to poison kids under the age of 5. Before they ‘groom’ them, or get them to mutilate their genitalia and destroy their immune system and sexuality utterly.  And from the 'poison poke' to the biggest economic meltdown in history, to the planned famine and next plandemic, the intent is to kill tens of millions.)

I understand that what He is asking us to do is not easy. It never was. But as the world literally becomes a ‘hell on earth’ - it will get far harder. And it was always a matter of life and death.


I/we aren’t looking for a ‘wife’ that already “knows it all.” I don’t claim to, but I do understand what “study to show yourself approved” means, and more than a bit about how that applies to everything from what is ‘money’ (hint: not fiat FRNs, but the Hebrew word ‘qesef’ means BOTH money and silver, just as the Constitution says, too) to what is ‘marriage’. And what’s coming, because He has given us no small amount of warning.

Most importantly, what we need to do now.

I suspect that the concentration of good women who understand that is probably higher than any other such platform around. Understanding something about polygyny is a good start. But only that. A belief in ‘Jesus’ as messiah can be, too, but He is much more, and that’s probably why Paul says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12. After all – if saying a prayer once and getting dunked was all it took, why would Yahushua Himself say the “path is narrow, and FEW there be that find it”?)

Which leads me to the ‘big finish’. Moses wasn’t so much the “meekest” man ever (‘anav’ in the original Hebrew) – I suggest he was the most “teachable.”

He had a lot to learn. So do we.

And that’s what we’re looking for.

MarkNiwot Jun 20 '2022, 1:13 PM · Comments: 2 · Tags: dating sites, plandemic, poison poke, torah, another jesus, scripture as written
What does a 67 year old single woman have to offer? I don’t know yet. I am happy with myself but would love to find the last love of my wife. I’m not looking for a bisexual lifestyle because that isn’t me. I think women are wonderful, after all I am one but I love the safety that I feel with a man. This is new to me but I’m willing to check it out. I tried to do this several months ago but he thought I was playing with him so promptly dumped me. Too bad because I wanted to be a art of his family.

I don’t play games and I would like to meet sooner rather than later but you need to be prepared to travel to me first. If things click then I will travel to you.

I’m not retired because I did that once and felt like I still had much to offer. I’m a professional that has been scammed before but not again.

That’s it for now!
BB54 Jun 16 '2022, 8:37 PM
Hello we are new to the and my beautiful fiance are in search of a wonderful woman to complete our family....we are a very positive hard working and welcoming couple and is very serious about our search... don't be afraid to reach out
Djay Mar 14 '2022, 9:04 PM

I just finished my regular live Thursday radio show and podcast, which I've been doing for many years, called, "Come out of her, My people," from the admonition in Revelation 18:4.  It's about why, and especially HOW, we should be preparing to do that, in many ways - physically, spiritually, economically, and from a so-called 'church' that is more about religiousity, and in too many cases just plain paganism, than it is His Word, as Written.  And the same goes for those that still think we have a Constitution in AmeriKa-with-a-K.   

There are SO many things that are literally "coming to a head" THIS WEEK. 

The suggestion I make, and the evidence to support that, is the subject of the show.

It has never been more important to be aware, and prepared, for what has BEEN coming, but is now HERE, in any of our lifetimes.

This may be the most important "Come out of Her" Show I've done:

"Come out of her, My people" Show for 10 March, 2022


...and single mothers with children, especially young ones...

Hopefully by now you can see what's coming.  Myself and others have been warning about it for a long time now, and we're there.

You have probably already seen empty shelves.  It will get worse - much worse.  And if you thought the riots were bad before, wait until this country sees genuine widespread hunger for the first time in its history.  The major cities will be a nightmare.

Which is why I am thankful many here are able to see the benefit of a larger loving family.  ESPECIALLY in a more rural area - and the further from major populations, the better.

I also encourage people to understand the fragility of the power grid (as an electronic engineer, this has been on my mind for well over a decade now).  It's why we are 100% off-grid here, in every way (solar, primarily).

Be thinking now about what is coming, and what you are able to accomplish.  By the time most people wake up to what has already happened, it will be too late.


MarkNiwot Feb 15 '2022, 8:04 PM · Comments: 1 · Tags: markniwot, polygyny, power grid failure, off-grid, rural areas
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